September 09, 2016

it is closed

yang nulis Isma Kazee di 5:41 PM
Ku Ina goes to the house. It has five doors. All doors were open but now one door is closed. Ku Ina asks to a person standing in front of the main door. The person says, it has closed as the owner is expecting somebody to enter and stay in there so everything should be removed and renovated. It will open again later with special fence and lock. So nobody else will go through the door.

Ku Ina is in a deep quite. It is sunny day but it feels like it is very cold winter and a heavy rain is just pouring Ku Ina's body, mind, and heart. The person leaves Ku Ina standing in front of the house. Ku Ina remembers there is a beautiful frame of two penguins beside the closed door and Ku Ina goes to the house to take the frame, but maybe it has been thrown away. As nothing that Ku Ina can do, Ku Ina leaves the house with an empty heart, wet, and cold.

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